Monday, June 9, 2014

Review of fox morning news::How to Contact Fox News? - What's Your Question?

Review of fox morning news::How to Contact Fox News? - What's Your Question?

Conservative               columnist               Tucker               Carlson               has               joined               Fox               News.

After               brief               stints               with               PBS,               MSNBC,               and               CNN,               he               may               have               found               his               TV               home.

Tucker               Carlson               made               his               debut               this               morning               on               Fox               in               Friends,               just               in               time               for               his               40th               birthday.

As               he               told               New               York               Times,               "this               is               the               first               thing               I'm               doing               in               my               40s               other               than               shaving."               Still,               fans               of               the               dancing               bow               tie-wearing               pundit               will               be               glad               to               see               him               on               TV               again.

Tucker               Carlson               Joins               Fox               News:               Career               and               Ideology
               Prior               to               joining               Fox               News,               Tucker               Carlson               has               hosted               CNN's               Crossfire               and               MSNBC's               Tucker.

He               later               served               as               a               senior               fellow               for               the               Cato               Institute.

He               has               written               for               New               York               Magazine,               Reader's               Digest,               Esquire,               The               Weekly               Standard,               The               New               Republic,               New               York               Times               Magazine,               and               The               Daily               Beast.
               Tucker               Carlson               was               also               a               contestant               on               Dancing               With               the               Stars,               performing               one               of               the               worst               routines               in               the               show's               history               and               earning               a               3               from               Bruno               Tonioli.

Yet               this               stint               shows               his               sense               of               humor               and               willingness               to               step               out               of               his               comfort               zone.
               Tucker               Carlson's               beliefs               are               rooted               in               conservative               principles               in               that               he               opposes               affirmative               action,               abortion,               nanny-state               regulations,               and               big-government               policies.

Yet               he               has               criticized               many               of               Bush's               policies               such               as               the               Iraq               war               and               the               Wall               Street               bailouts,               arguing               that               Bush               was               not               much               of               a               conservative.
               Tucker               Carlson               is               also               known               for               his               libertarian               leanings.

He               supported               John               McCain               in               2000,               and               Ron               Paul               in               1988               and               2008.

He               isn't               afraid               to               criticize               those               on               either               side               of               the               aisle.

He               famously               feuded               with               media-darling               Jon               Stewart,               calling               him               a               "partisan               hack."
               Tucker               Carlson's               ideas               do               not               fit               neatly               into               either               party.

When               asked               why               he               wouldn't               run               for               Congress,               he               explained               that               no               one               would               vote               for               him.

Hopefully               he               will               find               success               at               Fox               News.

He'll               have               a               more               receptive               platform               for               his               conservative               ideas               while               bringing               a               non-partisan               perspective               to               the               network.
               Tucker               Carlson               Joins               Fox               News:               Other               Pundits
               Tucker               Carlson               is               not               the               only               cable               news               exile               to               join               Fox               News.

In               an               increasingly               polarized               political               climate,               CNN's               and               MSNBC's               overtly               partisan               biases               have               never               been               so               pronounced               as               they               were               this               election               cycle.

The               inflammatory               rhetoric               of               Chris               Matthews               and               Keith               Olbermann               made               the               networks               an               unfriendly               place               for               Tucker               Carlson               and               Glenn               Beck.

It               may               not               be               a               coincidence               that               Glenn               Beck,               founder               of               the               9/12               Project,               left               CNN               for               Fox               News               in               October               2008.
               Also               joining               Fox               News               is               Bush's               White               House               Press               Secretary               Dana               Perino.
               Tucker               Carlson               Turns               40,               Moves               to               Fox               News,               Brian               Stelter,               New               York               Times

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