Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fox news cast::Who Is the Cast of the TV Show House

Review of fox news cast::Who Is the Cast of the TV Show House

If               you               are               a               Dancing               with               the               Stars               fan,               you               will               love               the               new               cast!

Every               season,               we               look               forward               to               seeing               who               is               going               to               be               on               the               cast               of               Dancing               with               the               Stars.

This               year,               we               are               not               going               to               be               disappointed               with               a               diverse               group               of               people.

Some               young               some               old,               most               likely               some               are               going               to               be               fabulous               dancers.

Who               will               be               good               and               who               will               be               bad?

Here               are               our               picks               for               who               we               like               going               into               the               show.

Cast               of               So               You               Think               You               Can               Dance
               Bristol               Palin               has               to               be               used               to               celebrity               status.

Her               mom               is               former               Governor               Sarah               Palin.

Bristol               was               by               her               mom's               side               as               she               ran               for               Vice               Presidency               of               the               United               States.

Her               life               had               a               turn               of               events               with               Bristol               found               out               she               was               pregnant.

I               look               forward               to               seeing               her               grow               in               her               life,               and               in               her               dance.

She               could               be               very               promising               this               season.

Thumbs               up               for               Bristol               Palin!
               Michael               Bolton               used               to               be               one               of               my               favorite               singers               so               of               course               I               want               him               to               do               well.

Can               he               dance?

Not               sure,               but               I               sure               will               be               going               for               him!

Gotta               love               When               a               man               loves               a               woman!

Thumbs               up               for               Michael               Bolton!
               David               Hasselhoff,               of               course,               we               love               him.

Who               didn't               want               Baywatch?

Not               only               will               he               be               a               good               fit               for               Dancing               with               the               Stars,               I               think               he               will               be               a               mighty               fine               dancer.

Thumbs               up               for               David               Hasselhoff!
               Audrina               Patridge               is               known               as               a               star               on               "The               Hills."               She               not               only               has               a               beautiful               smile,               but               she               could               do               very               well               on               the               show.
               Mike               'The               Situation'               Sorrentino               is               an               actor               on               "Jersey               Shore."               He               not               only               looks               buff               and               tanned               but               could               possibly               be               an               excellent               dancer.

Guess               time               will               tell.
               Jennifer               Grey               was               Patrick               Swayze's               partner               on               Dirty               Dancing.

Of               course,               we               know               she               was               a               good               dancer               back               then.

Will               it               translate               to               2010,               will               have               to               wait               and               see.
               Florence               Henderson               is               aka               Carol               Brady.

Who               wouldn't               want               Carol               Brady               to               win               on               Dancing               with               the               Stars?

You               bet               I               give               her               a               Thumbs               up!
               Kyle               Massey               is               a               new               face               on               the               scene               for               me.

I               hadn't               heard               of               him               before               I               read               the               new               cast               for               Dancing               with               the               Stars.

Guess               we               will               have               to               wait               and               see               if               he               has               moves!
               Margaret               Cho               is               another               one               I               hadn't               heard               of.

I               will               wait               and               see               if               she               has               the               dance               moves.
               Rick               Fox               is               former               NBA               Lakers               player.

Who               wouldn't               go               for               a               Lakers               player?

Thumbs               up               for               Rick               Fox!
               Brandy               was               a               superstar               from               the               90's.

I               bet               she               won't               have               forgotten               her               dance               moves.

She               looks               fit,               cute               and               ready               to               dance               her               way               to               the               finale.
               Kurt               Warner               just               recently               retired               from               the               Arizona               Cardinals.

Guess               this               is               what               big               superstars               do               after               they               retire.

Wonder               if               he               will               have               the               moves               though?!
               There               is               no               doubt               that               we               are               going               to               have               an               amazing               season               on               Dancing               with               the               Stars!

I               have               a               feeling               we               will               have               some               surprises               along               the               way               that               will               keep               us               smiling.

Get               ready,               America,               the               Dancing               with               the               Stars               premiere               begins               on               September               20,               2010.
               Fox               News

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fox news cast

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