Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fox news people::What Percentage of People Watch Fox News

Review of fox news people::What Percentage of People Watch Fox News

               COMMENTARY               |               My               wife               showed               me               a               Facebook               post               indicating               a               Fox               News               anchor               with               the               headline               asking               whether               President               Barack               Obama               caused               the               Russian               meteor               shower               to               drum               up               support               for               claims               that               global               warming               exists.
               "Is               this               true?"               she               asked,               knowing               I               look               these               things               up.

After               all,               I               debunked               the               claims               that               the               Fox               was               going               off               the               air               during               Obama's               Inauguration               in               January               "for               routine               maintenance."
               It               didn't               take               long               to               discover               that               it               was,               indeed,               the               case.

It               was               a               good               example               of               Photoshopping,               if               you               are               looking               at               it               on               the               smaller               screen,               as               most               Americans               do               when               they               get               their               news               nowadays.
               But               that               didn't               stop               some               folks               from               getting               hoodwinked.

Former               adviser               to               President               Barack               Obama               Van               Jones,               fell               for               it.

"Nobody's               Perfect"               he               tweeted,               after               getting               suckered               by               the               political               version               of               the               Manti               Te'o               girlfriend               story.
               The               only               speculation               was               where               the               idea               came               from.

I've               seen               it               juxtaposed               with               a               skit               from               the               Dave               Chappelle               Show,               where               a               black               president               suspiciously               resembling               Morgan               Freeman               is               blamed               for               a               meteor               shower.
               I               wonder               if               it               had               to               do               with               Freeman               playing               the               U.S.

president               in               the               1998               "Deep               Impact"               movie               about               a               giant               meteor               hitting               the               Earth.

Or               was               it               the               film               that               came               out               later               that               year               "Armageddon?"               It               led               Pat               Robertson               to               openly               speculate               that               a               meteor               might               hit               Orlando,               Fla.,               if               Disney               went               through               with               its               plans               for               "Gay               Day."               Or               maybe               it               had               to               do               with               the               story               of               a               CNN               reporter               asking               Bill               Nye               the               Science               Guy               if               the               meteor               that               went               near               Washington               was               the               result               of               global               warming.
               While               people               got               suckered               with               the               fake               meteor               story               and               claimed               outrage               about               Fox               News,               the               network               did               run               a               story               where               business               "expert"               Stuart               Varney               claimed               President               Obama               was               giving               out               free               pre-school               in               exchange               for               "votes,"               having               forgotten               that               he's               a               lame               duck               president,               and               not               running               for               another               term.
               If               folks               are               really               mad               about               Fox               News,               maybe               they               should               consider               watching               the               network               rather               than               come               up               with               silly               Photoshop               ideas.
               John               A.

Tures               is               an               associate               professor               of               political               science               at               LaGrange               College               in               LaGrange,               Ga.

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fox news people

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fox news people

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fox news people

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fox news people

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fox news people

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