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Editor's note: Mark Whittington, an AC writer based in Houston, Texas, is blogging about the Pennsylvania primary starting Monday and continuing through Tuesday night. He'll be posting analysis and news periodically. Also blogging are Robert Dougherty from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Lami Eyer from King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and Connie Wilson from East Moline, Illinois. Final Thoughts 4/22, 11:12 p.m. Eastern Some final thoughts. Clearly Hillary Clinton did what she had to do to survive and fight on. She may even have made an opening to start whittling Obama down to size. Obama showed that he was not ready for prime time, with the Bittergate remarks, his tortured explanations about Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and Tony Rezko. Obama may still beat Hillary Clinton in the end, but he is not really ready to go up against John McCain. Meanwhile the fight for the Democratic nomination will go on. It is their Vietnam, but one unlike the one Democrats started and then botched in the 60s, but rather one that involves only themselves. The rest of us are but bemused spectators, watching the hurly burly as if it were a movie. There are two men who are very happy tonight. One is John McCain, obviously, because no decision was made as to who he opponent in the Fall will be. While Obama and Clinton continue to go at one another, McCain can continue to prepare the battlefield to his liking. The other happy man is Rush Limbaugh. He can claim, with all of the cross over vote going to Hillary Clinton, that Operation Chaos continues to be a success. There will be no living with him. Barack Obama Speaks 4/22, 11:02 p.m. Eastern Barack Obama spoke, with far less reason to be happy than Hillary Clinton. The crowd was warm, though, in its greeting. He was in Indiana, not in Pennsylvania where he had just gotten thrashed. He thanked everybody there, including John Cougar Mellencamp. He thanked those people in Pennsylvania who actually voted for him. He claimed that he wasn't blown away because of his hard campaigning (No mention of all the money he spent for naught.) Then he got to the stakes of the campaign, saving the country from first Hillary Clinton, then from John McCain. He gave the idea of bickering (i.e. arguing with him) the back of his hand. Then the litany of victims, the union workers being laid off, the folks without health insurance, people having to pay exurbanite mortgages. A nod toward John McCain's service, then a slam at his polices. McCain wants to win in Iraq. Imagine! Obama wants to surrender. McCain also wants to hold to tax cuts and other free market nonsense. That offends Obama's conscience. No change from the Republicans. No change from the Democrats if Hillary is nominated. ("Yes we can! Yes we can!") Nothing has been solved because politicians tell you what you want to hear. (But I'm different.) Then the evil lobbyists who stop everything that is good. The choice we have is to reign in their power, bring both parties together, and effect change. By the way, fear of terrorism is just a political tactic, a distraction. Blah, blah, hope, change, alleluia. Platitude after platitude. The New York Times is Not Pleased 4/22, 10:42 p.m. Eastern The New York Times is not ammused at the Hillary Clinton victory. The Gray Lady doesn't think she fought fair. "On the eve of this crucial primary, Mrs. Clinton became the first Democratic candidate to wave the bloody shirt of 9/11. A Clinton television ad - torn right from Karl Rove's playbook - evoked the 1929 stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, the Cuban missile crisis, the cold war and the 9/11 attacks, complete with video of Osama bin Laden. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen," the narrator intoned" Well, heavens, isn't that the sort of thing we really elect a President to handle? Mind, the commercial would be a great one for John McCain, which may be the real source of the Times' unhappiness. . Hillary Claims Victory 4/22, 9:25 p.m. Eastern Hillary Clinton speaks to a rapturous crowd and oddly enough she seems rather happy. She thanked the people of Pennsylvania for choosing her over Obama. She's used the two wars and an economic crisis soundbyte from the latest commercial. "Yes she can!" the crowd chanted. Then she went on about her Pennsylvania roots, her dad and granddad. She then started to praise the good people of Pennsylvania for being hard working, etc. (Take that Barack!) Then a shot at the high price of gas. Then she was magnanimous toward Obama, whom she just thrashed. Then a dig toward Obama's money advantage (Give me money!) And for all those who said for her to drop out, take that! I'm not quitting. More on how you all really deserve Hillary Clinton. A nod toward surrender in Iraq. The tide is turning, she said. She promised not only jobs, but green jobs, education, health, etc, and even a "renwed commitment to science." She wil cure diseases. All in all, a good, solid victory speech. Obama Does Well in Philly, Not Anywhere Else 4/22, 10:08 p.m. Eastern Obama is increasing his lead in Philadelphia, but is not doing too well anywhere else. Karl Rove Analysis 4/22, 9:29 p.m. Eastern Karl Rove is saying Obama is only winning SE Pennsylvania by 51 to 49 percent and Philadelphia by 55 to 45 percent. That means he is under performing in places where he ought to be strong. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is doing really well in her parts of Pennsylvania, where the blue collar, union, Reagan Democrats live. Obama seems to be culturally estranged from some of the Democratic base. Clinton Campaign to Hit Obama Over Unwillingness to Debate 4/22, 9:09 p.m. Eastern Apparently the Clinton people are going to use Obama's unwillingness to debate in North Carolina against him, in the wake of the Pennsylvania victory. The idea they will take to the super delegates and, maybe, the public via a TV ad is that Obama is afraid of repeating his gaffes in the previous debate. The idea is that he'll really underperform against McCain in the Fall. Will it work? Maybe, maybe not. But the Clinton people are most certainly pumped tonight, having thrashed Obama in Pennsylvania, a big, electoral vote rich state. Other Networks Call the Election 4/22, 9:00 p.m. Eastern MSNBC and CNN are also calling the contest for Clinton., Hillary Clinton Wins 4/22, 8:46 p.m. Eastern Fox has called the race for Hillary Clinton. However that is only the beginning to tonight's drama as the question has been not whether she will win but by how much. First Votes in 4/22, 8:38 p.m. Eastern The first votes in, with less than one percent counted, shows Hillary Clinton ahead about two to one. No Numbers Yet 4/22, 8:38 p.m. Eastern No vote numbers yet. And Fox News doesn't even trust its own exit poll numbers because of the margin of error and the Obama over polling. Operation Chaos 4/22, 8:24 p.m. Eastern One in ten Pennsylvania voters say they switched parties to vote in the Democratic Party. Operation Chaos? Popular Votes vs Delegates 4/22, 8:07 p.m. Eastern Karl Rove is saying that Obama may get more delegates than he might for his overall vote total, because he may do well in Democratic areas of Pennsylvania. There was a similar phenomenon in Texas where Clinton got more of the popular vote but Obama get more delegates, because of arcane rules. The Polls Close 4/22, 8:01 Eastern The polls have closed in Pennsylvania. No word yet as to a projected winner or updated exit poll numbers, except Clinton and Obaam seem to be doing really well among their core supporters. Still More Exit Numbers 4/22, 7:12 Eastern 26 percent of Hillary Clinton supporters would vote for McCain over Obama. 19 percent would stay home. 17 percent of Obama supporters would vote for McCain over Clinton and 12 percent would stay home. Obama is taking 58 percent of the under thirty demographic. More Exit Poll Numbers 4/22. 6:11 p.m. Eastern More Fox News exit polls: Union households went 58 percent to Clinton and 42 percent to Obama. Lower income people voted 55 percent for Clinton and 45 percent for Obama. Urban voters went 31 percent for Clinton and 69 percent for Obama. Church goers went 59 percent for Clinton and 41 percent for Obama. First Pennsylvania Exit Poll Results 4/22. 5:38 p.m. Eastern Fox News is reporting exit poll data. Hilary Clinton is winning more of the white vote, 60 percent to Obama's 40 percent. Barack Obama is winning more of the black vote, 92 percent to 8 percent.. 58 percent of gun owners vote for Clinton; 42 percent for Obama. College educated voters went 46 percent for Clinton and 54 percent for Obama. On the question of who launched more unfair attacks, 67 percent said Clinton and 49 percent said Obama. These are very preliminary numbers. Brit Hume Speaks on the Sean Hannity Show 4/22, 4:19 p.m. Eastern Time Fox News' Brit Hume was on Hannity and followed the conventional wisdom that all depends on the margin of the expected Hillary Clinton victory in Pennsylvania. The larger the margin, the more of a case she had for staying in the race. Her hope must be that Obama makes more missteps, causing the Super Delegates pause. The question, according to Hume, is not whether Obama is liberal or elitist. These are givens and partisan Democrats are not particularly bothered by that. The question is solely whether or not Obama can win and then be anywhere near an effective President. So far the confidence of the Obama super delegates has not been shaken, but it might in the future. Obama's silver lining is that a lot of the issues (Jeremiah Wright, Bittergate, William Ayers) are coming out in the Spring and not the Fall. My personal opinion on that is that it may not matter. History is replete with stuff being made known about politicians that bite them hard months later in a campaign cycle. Whom Do They Hate More? 4/22, 3.08 p.m. Eastern Time Barack Obama got a lot of well-deserved grief for his condescending remarks in San Francisco about people in small town Pennsylvania being bitter people who cling to God and guns. Obama's superior attitude is, sadly, widely shared by the liberal elites, as note this passage from a posting by author Nora Ephron in the Huffington Post. "This is an election about whether the people of Pennsylvania hate blacks more than they hate women. And when I say people, I don't mean people, I mean white men. How ironic is this? After all this time, after all these stupid articles about how powerless white men are and how they can't even get into college because of overachieving women and affirmative action and mean lady teachers who expected them to sit still in the third grade even though they were all suffering from terminal attention deficit disorder -- after all this, they turn out (surprise!) to have all the power. (As they always did, by the way; I hope you didn't believe any of those articles.)" Poor Pennsylvania white guys. They won't be choosing Obama or Clinton based on mundane things like the issues or character or experience. They will be choosing between those two Democrats as choice of being racist or sexist. Given that choice, maybe it would be better to stay home, but vote for McCain in the Fall, and thus be both racist and sexist. Voting Update 4/22, 1:36 p.m. Eastern Time It looks like there are no major voter irregularities, according to Leslie Amoros, a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania State Department. Also, anecdotal reporting shows heavy turnout. Meanwhile, With the John McCain Campaign 4/22, 1:02 p.m. Eastern Time While the voting continues in Pennsylvania, John McCain, who has been kind of the forgotten man of Election 2008, is continuing his tour of depressed parts of the country in Youngstown, Ohio. Yesterday he was in Selma, Alabama. The strategy of taking the fight to traditional Democratic territory is a good one. McCain may not get very many votes, but he must make the two people who are vying to be his opponent in the Fall nervous. Clinton or Obama, whomever wins the Democratic nomination contest, will have to spend time and resources on defense if McCain makes even a little bit of headway. Where The Candidates Will Be Tonight and Rush Limabugh's Operation Chaos 4/22,12:13 p.m Eastern Time Tonight, as the vote totals come in, Hillary Clinton will be in a hotel in Philadelphia while Obama will have already moved on to a campaign rally in Evansville, Indiana. Obama's musical entertainment will be provided by John Cougar Mellencamp, whose 1985 hit was entitled, ironically enough, Small Town. In the meantime Rush Limbaugh is crowing about the success of "Operation Chaos", the whimsical campaign to persuade Republican voters to switch their registration to Democrat temporarily and vote for Hillary Clinton. The idea is that the longer that Hillary Clinton is kept viable, the more chaos ensues in the Democratic nomination process. The Polls Open and By What Margin Does Hillary Clinton Need to Win By 4/22, 7:06 a.m. Eastern Time The polls are open in Pennsylvania. The weather report looks pretty good insofar as being fair enough to allow for a good turnout, with cloudy to partly cloudy skies and temperatures ranging from a hugh in the low 70s to a low in the 50s. A trickle of voters right now, but heavy turnout predicted. The question all of the pundits are asking is what margin does Hillary Clinton need to win by? Six points? Eight Points? Ten? Twenty? At what point does Senator Clinton look at the math of delegate count and decides to toss in the towel? My theory is that all Hillary Clinton has to do is to deny Barack Obama a victory on the first ballot at the convention. Then, hoping that Obama's missteps and gaffes have eroded confidence in his electability, the Clinton people start going to work on the delegates to cause them to switch sides. It's winning ugly, but it would still be a win. Bad Behavior on the Virtual Campaign Trail 4/22, 12:08 a.m. Eastern Time The nastiness that is the Democratic nomination fight has spilled over into the virtual world. According to the Wall Street Journal, the battle has been joined in Second Life, a virtual world operated by Linden Labs. People in Second Life are represented by characters called Avatars and can do everything from buy and sell virtual land, to engage in virtual commerce, to conduct political campaigns. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama supporters have been holding virtual rallies where they urge people to do things in the real world to support their candidates, like volunteer and contribute money. However campaign rallies being held in Second Life are being disrupted by supporters of the opposing candidate with acts that have actually included virtual violence. There is no blood shed in the real world, but apparently enough of this sort of thing can crash servers and knock people off line. It is, if nothing else, a sure indication of how passions have been aroused on the Democratic side. Negative Ads Increase for Clinton, Obama 4/21, 6:48 p.m. Eastern Time They showed a couple of ads on the Brit Hume round table. The Hillary Clinton one suggests that in a world beset by war, high gas prices, and so on, we need someone that is a combination of Maggie Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth I, and Boudicca--meaning Hillary Clinton. The Obama ad was the usual attempt to use the prospect of surrender in Iraq as something to be uplifted by. The discussion raises the question of whether Obama overpolls, which is to say polls better than he actually performs. Maybe, maybe not. The conventional wisdom is, barring a big Obama meltdown, Hillary Clinton wins Pennsylvania, but Obama wins the nomination, but probably McCain wins the general. Of course this campaign has, so far, defied conventional wisdom, including that of Your Humble Servant. Advertising's Effects on Voter Turnout 4/21, 6:10 p.m. Eastern Time The Brit Hume news show on Fox is talking about Obama's huge money advantage over Hillary Clinton. This translates into saturation ad buys on TV and radio. Lots of paid advertising can translate into increased turnout, which would be a worry for Hillary Clinton as she needs more turnout than Obama to pad her expected win tomorrow. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton has a lot of support from state and local elected officials, who have political operations that also increase turnout. Hillary's Wins More Authentic? 4/21, 5:17 p.m. Eastern Time Susan Estrich and Lanny Davis, both Hillary supporters, are on Hannity. Both, naturally, think Hillary has an excellent chance of winning Pennsylvania by a big margin. Davis thinks that the Gallup tracking poll is too volatile to have any meaning. He also thinks that the states Hillary won (primary states) had a larger turnout and than the Obama states (caucus states mainly) and therefore have more authenticity. Estrich thinks that the Democrats will manage to come together when the nominee (whomever she is) is chosen. Both think Obama is vunerable because of his various gaffes and missteps, despite the fact they like his policy positions. Obama Leads Nationwide Gallup Poll 4/21, 3:40 p.m. Eastern Time The latest Gallup tracking poll (done 4/18 through 4/20) has Obama over Hillary Clinton 49% to 42% nationally among Democratic voters. Pennsylvania Frenzy Continues Through Tuesday 4/21, 2:22 p.m. Eastern Time The candidates are spending their last day of campaigning after a weeks-long frenzy of attacks, gaffes, missteps and spin. We've been entertained by Hillary Clinton's epic tale of dodging sniper fire in Bosnia on the one hand, and on the other hand a variety of gaffes on the part of Barack Obama. From the spectacle of Jeremiah Wright, the hate-filled "pastor of disaster," to the revelation by Senator Obama that the small town hoi polloi of backwoods Pennsylvania are a bunch of bitter people who cling to God and guns, the Obama campaign has been, if nothing else, entertaining. As of this hour, the Hillary Clinton people are claiming an 11-point advantage in internal polling. Both Clinton and Obama are spinning like tops to try to set up the expectations game. Whatever happens tomorrow night, the grinding, bitter, trench warfare that is the Democratic nomination battle will go on. |
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