Review of fox news yesterday::What Was on TV Yesterday? - What's Your Question?
Review of fox news yesterday::What Was on TV Yesterday? - What's Your Question?
Yesterday Lawrence O Donnell asked a question, while sitting in for Keith Olbermann on MSNBC's Countdown. He asked "Why would he (the president) go on Fox News? If permitted, I would like to take a stab at answering that question. He went on Fox News because he is the American President, not the Black Only President, not the Democrat Only President, not the Liberal or Socialist Only President but simply the president of all American and to avoid, ignore or elude any portion of the American public which he has sworn to serve and protect is not, I believe, in his nature. Now whether those who are dead-set against his success or who have a problem with him because of his presences, his policies, his skin or the fact that he can walk and chew gum at the same time wish to admit it or not they are just as an important part of this country as we are. They deserve to know the truth about any subject or at least hear both sides of an argument. Now whether they wish to accept that knowledge is up to them to decide, not anyone else. I applaud the president choosing to engage instead of cower. I would also have to guess that another reason for going on Fox News was his continued wishing of seeking bi-partisan support for his agenda in Washington and in the nation as a whole. While many are asking why waste the time, he is looking to engage those who disagree. I have learned from experience that listening to those who disagree with you, aides in you making a better decision because whether we wish to admit this or not sometimes the opposition does have some good points. They deserve to be listened to and their points considered. It would be interesting, however, to see other tapes of Fox's Brent doing other interviews for no other reason but comparison to the one he did with the president. I would like to see if Brent style is the same with others that he may have spoken with or was this reserved only for this president. I guess that I would have to say that Brent justification for speaking over the president by saying that he was "trying to get the biggest bang for the time that they were given" does not ring true to me. It could be because I have found that you can get all of your questions answered in less time if you allow the person to whom you are speaking to finish their thoughts. Then that's just me and I could be wrong. |
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Labels: Breaking News, Fox 10 News Yesterday, Fox 13 News Yesterday, Fox EWW, Fox News Channel, San Diego Fox News Yesterday, Stories on Fox News Yesterday, Yesterday's Breaking News
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