Review of channel 2 fox news::How Much Money Does Ben Bailey of Fox 2 Detroit Make
Review of channel 2 fox news::How Much Money Does Ben Bailey of Fox 2 Detroit Make
It has been confirmed, according to the New YorkTimes, that Sarah Palin has signed a multi-year deal with Fox News to appear as a contributor on the news network. She may also appear in a few news specials. After the publication of her bestselling non-fact-based, quasi-autobiographical book, one has to wonder what a real news channel would want with someone who moves in circles so far from reality and the truth. But since Fox News has had a questionable relationship with reality (read: all those people at the Tea Parties that weren't there) and the truth (read: footage of Sarah Palin rallies passed off as footage of her book signings), it just might be that Sarah Palin has found a perfect place for her expertise in... Yeah. There's going to be a problem there... There aren't many in the political world -- the real political world; not that backward-glancing trickle down future state that people like Rush Limbaugh dream of that is populated with "real Americans" like Palin -- who take Sarah Palin seriously when her name is mentioned with regard to a run at the presidency. Although she has political clout and will no doubt play a big part in the upcoming 2012 election, there is no way she can win if given the nod for the GOP presidential selection. Far too many Republicans know that electing her president would be a catastrophe in the making, a four-year epic episode of "Alaskan Jerry Springer." GOP credibility would be shot and by 2016, Republicans would have to expect to not see a colleague in the Oval Office for at least another 20 years. But as for popularity, besides Rush Limbaugh there may be no one with the same drawing power in the conservative ranks. But the ex-Alaskan governor's appeal has been a topic of note for quite some time, from the record crowds that came to hear her on the campaign trail to the hundreds who waited in line to get their copy of Going Rogue signed during her book tour. But... as her poorly researched book attests and Steve Schmidt, Senator John McCain's senior political strategist during his presidential campaign, has been quoted as saying, "She knows nothing." * In short, Sarah Palin will be a perfect fit for Fox News. Especially as a contributor. In a statement, the former governor of Alaska wrote: "I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News. It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news." Written by anyone else and Sarah Palin's statement would have been amusing. Coming from the woman who dreamed up the nonexistent "death panels" in the health care reform debate, insisted that presidential candidate Barack Obama "palled around with terrorists," maintained that she never supported the "Bridge to Nowhere" in her home state when she actually did, thought she was somehow skirting "real America" by staying out of the big cities while on the campaign trail, and thought she was chosen as John McCain's running mate because it was "God's plan," her statement about being "thrilled" to be part of "fair and balanced" Fox News was not only surreal but hilarious. To be fair, the actual news portions of Fox News are just that -- news, albeit with a conservative slant. (Suggestion: For some balance, one could go to MSNBC and check out their news with a liberal slant.) However, it is Fox News' current affairs programs like "The O'Reilly Factor," "Hannity," and "Glenn Beck" that garner the network more attention, usually through controversy due to their extremist views, outrageous statements, confrontational style, and non-factual punditry. Again, Sarah Palin will be perfect for the part of Fox News laughingly referred to by others as Faux News. It should be suggested that during her moments of contributing nobody ask her what she reads... ****** * Quote from the upcoming espose Game Change by Mark Halpern and John Heilemann. ****** Sources: Halperin, Mark and Heilemann, John, Game Change |
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