Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fox news logo::What Is Chicago Style Font in Microsoft Windows 2007 ...

Review of fox news logo::What Is Chicago Style Font in Microsoft Windows 2007 ...

Most               of               us               have               heard               of               the               Google               scam,               where               people               sign               up               and               think               they               are               going               to               work               for               Google               posting               links.

Well,               they               are               now               using               Yahoo               to               lure               the               desperate               in               their               scam.

If               this               is               the               first               you               are               hearing               about               this               type               of               scam,               let               me               give               you               a               crash-course               on               the               how               the               Google               scam               works.

While               on               the               internet,               a               pop-up               window               will               appear,               usually               with               someone               holding               a               check               from               Google               showing               they               have               been               "paid".

They               claim               that               they               are               endorsed               by               ,USA               Today,               MSNBC,               Fox               News,               ABC,               and               CNN.

They               claim               that               Google               is               hiring               people               to               work               at               home               posting               links               for               them.

All               you               have               to               do               according               to               the               Web               site               is               order               the               "Google               Business               Kit"               for               $1.97.

What               they               don't               tell               you               unless               you               find               the               tiny               link               for               the               Terms               &               Conditions               is               that               the               kit               never               arrives,               the               initial               amount               charged               is               actually               $2.97               and               your               credit               card               is               charged               $74.97               per               month.

What               they               also               do               which               is               not               listed               in               their               Terms               &               Conditions               or               anywhere               else               on               their               Web               site               is               that               they               will               use               your               credit               card               information               to               sign               you               up               for               other               offers,               such               as               "ExpenseTracker"               for               recurring               monthly               fees.

You               will               receive               a               series               of               emails               from               them               thanking               you               for               your               order               and               it               is               in               those               emails               that               you               are               told               what               you               are               really               being               charged.

Then               they               give               you               a               link               to               a               Web               site               to               get               started.

Once               you               go               to               the               Web               site               from               the               link               in               the               email,               you               realize               that               it               has               nothing               to               do               with               Google,               and               they               instruct               you               to               sign               up               for               all               sorts               of               programs               and               inform               you               that               to               earn               money,               you               must               purchase               equipment               and               services.
               In               the               Terms               &               Conditions               as               well               as               in               the               confirmation               emails,               they               tell               you               that               you               can               cancel               anytime               by               calling               a               800               number,               however,               when               you               call               you               will               either               get               an               answering               machine               or               a               disconnect               signal.

The               only               way               to               stop               them               from               draining               your               bank               account               or               charging               your               entire               credit               card               limit               is               by               canceling               your               cards               and               notifying               the               bank               of               fraud.
               What               is               interesting               is               that               the               phone               number               for               all               these               programs               that               you               did               not               sign               up               for               is               the               same,               which               means               that               the               company               is               running               their               scam               using               many               different               business               names.

My               email               confirmations               came               from               "FastBlogIncome"               and               "ExpenseTracker".

Although               "FastBlogIncome"               arrived               in               my               inbox,               "ExpenseTracker"               went               to               my               spam               folder,               which               I               rarely               check.

This               is               what               they               count               on,               because               if               you               don't               know               they               are               charging               you,               then               you               can't               cancel               in               time.

Another               interesting               fact               is               that               they               count               on               people               waiting               for               their               business               kits               to               arrive               in               the               mail,               and               by               the               time               they               look               into               why               their               order               has               not               arrived,               they               realize               that               the               3               day               trial               is               over               and               they               are               unable               to               cancel.

By               that               time,               hundreds               of               dollars               have               already               been               charged.
               On               the               sign-up               page               they               forgot               to               update               the               page               title               to               Yahoo,               because               it               still               says               "Google               Home               Income".

They               have               also               updated               the               networks               they               claim               to               be               endorsed               by.

They               have               now               added               CNN,               CNBC,               and               have               posted               the               logos               for               Twitter               and               Yahoo               Messenger               under               "As               Seen               And               Trusted               By..."and               I'm               sure               they               will               add               others.

They               have               renamed               the               "Google               Business               Kit"               to               the               "Yahoo               Work               At               Home               Kit".

I               see               from               the               Web               site               that               they               have               update               the               trial               fee               to               the               actual               charge               of               $2.95.

They               are               advertising               that               your               first               checks               will               be               as               much               as               $1,500               per               week.

They               also               have               a               list               of               "responses"               from               people               who               claim               to               have               tried               this               program               with               positive               results               or               are               thinking               about               it.

Of               course,               all               the               responses               are               glowing               and               they               have               "closed               comments               due               to               Spam".I               checked               the               Terms               &               Conditions               for               this               "Yahoo               Work               At               Home"               opportunity               to               see               if               anything               had               changed               since               my               experience               with               the               "Google               Business               Kit"               scam.

With               the               "Google               Business               Kit"               scam,               their               official               business               name               was               Pacific               WebWorks,               With               the               Yahoo               version               of               the               scam,               they               are               using               the               official               business               name               of               Creative               Search               Training.

Also,               they               have               also               changed               the               billing               amounts.

It               states,               "If               you               do               not               cancel               within               the               3-day               trial               period,               you               will               be               charged               a               one-time               amount               of               $129.95.

In               addition,               you               will               be               provided               access               to               an               online               Learning               Center               which               will               bill               at               $39.98,               unless               you               cancel,               30-days               from               the               date               of               enrollment               and               you               will               be               re-billed               every               30               days               at               $39.98,               unless               you               cancel.

You               will               also               receive               a               Risk               Free               14-day               Trial               membership               to               HomeSource.

If               membership               is               continued               you               will               automatically               be               charged               $29.95               a               month."               This               makes               a               total               of               over               $200               that               they               charge               you.

They               have               decided               to               disclose               the               fact               that               they               sign               you               up               for               other               programs,               which               was               not               stated               in               the               Terms               And               Conditions               when               I               signed               up               for               the               "Google               Business               Kit"               about               a               month               ago.

Instead               of               you               being               signed               up               and               charged               for               a               service               called               "ExpenseTracker",               they               now               call               it               "HomeSource".
               I               performed               a               Google               search               on               the               "Google               Business               Kit"               and               was               relieved               to               find               that               CNN               reported               that               Google               has               sued               Pacific               WebWorks               and               several               unnamed               defendants               for               using               the               Google               name               and               trademark               to               promote               fraudulent               work-at-home               schemes.

However,               this               has               not               stopped               them               from               now               changing               it               from               Google               to               Yahoo.

Concerned               that               others               may               fall               prey               to               this               scam               like               I               did,               I               contacted               Yahoo               to               let               them               know               of               their               name               being               used               in               a               fraudulent               manner,               but               have               yet               to               receive               a               response.

A               search               on               "Yahoo               Work-At-Home               Kit"               yielded               no               results.
               IF               YOU               HAVE               BEEN               SCAMMED:               

Tell               them               to               refund               your               money               immediately;               if               this               is               not               possible               then               notify               your               bank               and               cancel               your               account               or               credit               card               if               necessary.

File               a               report               with               the               Internet               Crime               Complaint               Center               (IC3)

File               a               report               with               the               Federal               Trade               Commission(FTC)

File               a               report               with               the               Better               Business               Bureau               (BBB)
               Remember,               the               only               way               to               earn               money               without               being               scammed               or               scamming               others               is               by               good               old-fashioned               hard               work.
               Breaking               News:               Yahoo               Now               Hiring               People               To               Work               At               Home,               http://www.news33show.com/jobs/yahoo-hiring-you.html
               Google               Home               Income:               Sign               Up,               https://www.internetrichgurus.com/103109/index.php?subid=200041&subid2=104928&hitid=673961991
               CNN:               Google               Takes               Work-At-Home               Scammers               Using               Its               Logo               To               Court,               http://money.cnn.com/2009/12/08/technology/Google_lawsuit_Pacific_Webworks/index.htm
               Internet               Crime               Complaint               Center:               File               a               Complaint,               www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx
               Federal               Trade               Commission:               Submit               a               Complaint,               www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/
               Better               Business               Bureau:               For               Consumers,               http://www.bbb.org/us/consumers

Image of fox news logo

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fox news logo

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