Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fox news merchandise::How Tall Is Kelly Ripa

Review of fox news merchandise::How Tall Is Kelly Ripa

               Like               millions               of               people,               I               was               given               a               gift               card               this               past               holiday               season.

While               I               always               appreciate               a               gift,               I'm               not               really               a               shopper               at               that               particular               store.

So               like               millions               of               other               people,               I               was               left               with               a               gift               card               that               would               never               be               used,               be               regifted               or               would               be               unhappily               used               for               merchandise               I               didn't               really               want.

Then               I               heard               about               the               possibility               of               exchanging               the               gift               card.
               I               was               listening               to               a               report               on               the               billions               of               dollars               that               go               unused               on               gift               cards               every               year.

Fox               News               then               ran               a               segment               on               what               to               do               with               unwanted               gift               cards.

They               mentioned               several               sites               and               tips               on               how               to               be               sure               you               don't               run               into               a               scam.

I               chose               a               site               and               it               took               me               only               a               minute               to               create               an               account               and               log               into               the               site.
               Once               logged               in               to               the               site               you               can               browse               their               list               of               virtually               every               gift               card               available.

You               find               yours               and               click               on               it.

Then               you               select               the               amount               of               the               card               and               click               on               "enter"               to               be               given               a               price               quote               of               what               your               card               is               worth               to               them.

My               card               was               for               $50               to               a               department               store.

The               quote               I               was               given               was               $49.75.

I'd               lose               a               quarter               in               the               deal               but               considering               that               it               would               take               more               than               that               to               start               my               car               for               the               drive               to               the               nearest               store,               I               accepted               the               deal.

Interestingly,               you               can               also               submit               partially               used               cards.

This               is               great               for               people               who               have               used               some               or               most               of               some               cards               and               don't               know               what               to               do               with               the               remaining               balance.
               The               next               step               was               to               choose               how               to               be               paid.

The               choices               available               vary               with               each               site               but               you               can               often               choose               from               another               gift               card,               payment               to               your               paypal               account               or               a               check.

I               chose               an               electronic               gift               card               with               the               payment               added               directly               to               my               online               account.

You               can               then               choose               the               option               to               print               a               mailing               label               along               with               the               invoice;               I               did               this.
               The               invoice               instructed               me               to               tape               my               gift               card               to               the               paper,               fold               it               and               secure               it               into               a               business               sized               envelope.

The               printed               mailing               label               was               attached               to               the               front               and               included               postage.

All               I               had               to               do               was               seal               the               envelope               and               put               it               into               the               mail               box.
               I               mailed               it               on               the               Wednesday               before               a               holiday               weekend.

Despite               that               I               was               sent               my               confirmation               email               the               following               Tuesday.

I               logged               into               my               account               and               navigated               to               my               gift               card               page               and               clicked               on               the               electronic               gift               card               button.

I               was               taken               to               the               log               in               page               on               my               store               account               and               after               logging               into               my               account               the               gift               card               was               instantly               credited.

There               was               no               hassle               involved               at               all.

I               was               able               to               turn               what               would               have               been               an               otherwise               useless               card               into               my               favorite               version               of               cash.

Because               I               do               so               much               shopping               at               this               particular               site               it               made               more               sense               to               maximize               my               gift               card               there               and               use               the               cash               I               would               have               spent               elsewhere.
As               the               news               report               pointed               out,               the               average               person               receives               $150               each               Christmas               in               gift               cards               and               billions               of               dollars               go               unused               on               them               each               year.

This               is               a               great               way               for               me               to               take               those               cards               and               convert               them               into               something               I               want.

Image of fox news merchandise

fox news merchandise
fox news merchandise

fox news merchandise Image 1

fox news merchandise
fox news merchandise

fox news merchandise Image 2

fox news merchandise
fox news merchandise

fox news merchandise Image 3

fox news merchandise
fox news merchandise

fox news merchandise Image 4

fox news merchandise
fox news merchandise

fox news merchandise Image 5

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