Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fox news mailing address::how to contact fox news - What's ...

Review of fox news mailing address::how to contact fox news - What's ...

Brian               Fleming,               born               June               6,               1966,               is               an               atheist,               playwright               and               film               director...

he               is               also               the               Devil.

At               least               that               is               what               many               people               are               thinking               after               learning               of               Mr.

Fleming's               latest               crusade               to               "relieve               the               suffering               of               children"               by               stopping               parents               from               terrorizing               their               children               with               religious               indoctrination.


Fleming               said,               "I               do               think               that               I               am               liberating               them               [the               children]."               He               thinks               that               raising               your               child               in               a               Christian               home               and               teaching               them               Christian               values               is               "psychological               torture"               and               possibly               "child               abuse".
               The               Blasphemy               Challenge
               Children               are               asked               to               video               themselves               blaspheming               and               submit               it               to               YouTube.

Once               they               do               this,               they               will               receive               a               DVD               entitled               "The               God               Who               Wasn't               There".

You               can               read               more               about               this               movie               at               www.thegodmovie.com.

Full               instructions               for               participating               in               The               Blasphemy               Challenge               are:
               From               the               website,               www.blasphemychallenge.com:               "You               may               damn               yourself               to               Hell               however               you               would               like,               but               somewhere               in               your               video               you               must               say               this               phrase:               "I               deny               the               Holy               Spirit."

Because,               according               to               Mark               3:29               in               the               Holy               Bible,               "Whoever               blasphemes               against               the               Holy               Spirit               will               never               be               forgiven;               he               is               guilty               of               an               eternal               sin."               Jesus               will               forgive               you               for               just               about               anything,               but               he               won't               forgive               you               for               denying               the               existence               of               the               Holy               Spirit.


This               is               a               one-way               road               you're               taking               here.
               Once               you               have               shot               your               blasphemous               video,               just               follow               these               two               easy               steps:

Go               to               this               link               on               YouTube               to               upload               your               video               as               a               "Video               Response"               to               the               Blasphemy               Challenge.

(You               can               log               in               or               register               on               that               page               if               necessary.)               Please               put               the               URL               http://www.blasphemychallenge.com               somewhere               in               the               text               description               when               you               upload               your               video.

When               the               video               appears               on               YouTube,               send               the               URL               to               this               email               address:               waronchristmas@hotmail.com.

Also               include               a               complete               United               States               mailing               address*               so               we               can               send               your               free               copy               of               The               God               Who               Wasn't               There.
               That's               it.

We're               only               giving               away               1001               DVDs,               so               blaspheme               now.
               The               Blasphemy               Challenge's               Mission               
               Brian               Fleming               is               an               atheist               on               a               mission.

He               says,               "These               kids               are               not               being               left               alone...

a               religious               indoctrination               is               being               visited               upon               these               kids               against               their               will."               Mr.

Fleming               thinks               he               must               free               children               from               "the               mental               torture               that               is               religion".
               You               can               find               out               more               about               Brian               Fleming               by               visiting               his               blog               at               www.slumdance.com/blogs/brian_flemming.

You               can               also               see               a               video               clip               of               Mr.

Fleming               being               interviewed               on               Fox               News               Channel               by               John               Kasich.

More               information               about               Brian               Fleming               can               be               found               at               http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Flemming               and               http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0281830.
               The               War               on               Christmas
               Additionally,               for               those               of               you               wondering               if               there               really               was               a               War               on               Christmas,               you               can               pop               by               another               supporter               of               The               Blasphemy               Challenge               at               www.endchristmas.com.
               "Bill               O'Reilly               and               the               Religious               right               have               been               saying               for               a               few               years               now               that               there               is               a               War               on               Christmas,               by               espousing               such               ridiculous               views               as               "The               cashier               at               Target               didn't               say               Merry               Christmas"               so               there               must               be               a               War               on               Christmas.

We've               decided               to               show               them               what               an               actual               War               on               Christmas               might               look               like.

EndChristmas.com               is               here               because               we               support               the               so-called               War               on               Christmas."
               Defend               Your               God
               If               you               feel               you               have               what               it               takes               to               defend               your               God,               why               not               accept               this               challenge               from               The               Rational               Response               Team:
               "Think               you               can               show               why               your               belief               in               a               God               is               rational?

We               are               now               accepting               requests               from               theists               to               talk               to               us               on               our               show.

Visit               www.rationalresponders.com               for               more               information."
               What               or               Who               is               Brian               Fleming?

               Is               Brian               Fleming               the               Devil,               a               Charlatan               or               a               New               Messiah?

You               decide.

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fox news mailing address

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    Review of fox news new york address::What Is Disney Channel's Official Fan Mail Address

    Review of fox news new york address::What Is Disney Channel's Official Fan Mail Address

    New               York               police               have               served               warrants               dozens               of               times               to               an               elderly               couple               looking               for               suspects               the               couple               has               no               knowledge               of.

    "Police               have               knocked               on               their               door               50-plus               times               since               the               couple               moved               into               their               home               in               2002,               looking               for               suspects               or               witnesses               in               murder,               robbery               and               rape               cases,               according               to               reports.

    The               couple               has               been               visited               by               law               enforcement               up               to               three               times               a               week.

    Authorities               are               investigating               the               possibility               that               the               Martins'               identities               may               have               been               stolen."               Criminal               identity               theft               is               when               someone               commits               a               crime               and               uses               the               assumed               name               and               address               of               another               person.

    The               thief               in               the               act               of               the               crime               or               upon               arrest               poses               as               the               identity               theft               victim.

    Often               the               perpetrator               will               have               a               fake               ID               with               the               identity               theft               victim's               information               but               the               imposters'               picture.

    This               is               the               scariest               form               of               identity               theft.
                   In               Mexico               plans               are               rolling               out               to               identify               110               million               citizens               into               its               national               ID               card               program.

    "The               program               will               be               among               the               first               to               capture               iris,               fingerprint               and               facial               biometrics               for               identification.

    Similar               programs               around               the               world               use               biometrics               for               voter               registration               and               even               financial               transactions.

    Possible               uses               for               the               card               include               identification,               driver               licenses,               collection               of               tolls,               a               travel               card               and               an               ATM               card."
                   In               India,               they               are               in               the               process               of               creating               the               Unique               Identification               Authority               to               identify               their               1.1               billion               citizens.

    A               uniform               ID               system               with               biometric               data,               which               should               launch               next               year,               will               be               designed               to               curb               fraud               and               effectively               identify               their               citizens.

    It               could               also               make               many               new               commercial               transactions               possible               by               allowing               online               verification               of               identities               by               laptop               and               mobile               phone.
                   In               the               US,               in               order               to               end               illegal               immigration               politicians               have               proposed               a               worker               identity               card               and               quoted               from               the               New               American"Ending               Illegal               Employment               Through               Biometric               Employment               Verification,"               Reid,               et               al,               set               forth               their               chilling               scheme               to               require               all               Americans               to               carry               a               21st               Century               version               of               the               Social               Security               Card.

    The               national               identification               card               will               be               embedded               with               biometric               data               detectable               by               federal               agents.

    Specifically,               the               Reid               plan               will               mandate               that               within               18               months               of               the               passage               of               immigration               reform               legislation,               every               American               worker               carry               the               "fraud-resistant,               tamper-resistant,               wear               resistant,               and               machine-readable               social               security               cards               containing               a               photograph               and               an               electronically               coded               micro-processing               chip               which               possesses               a               unique               biometric               identifier               for               the               authorized               card-bearer."As               if               that               isn't               enough               to               freeze               the               blood               of               any               ally               of               freedom               and               our               constitutional               republic."
                   "Chilling               scheme"               and               "freeze               the               blood"               or               a               step               towards               security?

    I               wonder               if               the               couple               in               New               York               or               the               millions               who               have               had               their               identity               stolen               wish               they               were               properly               identified.
                   Invest               in               Intelius               identity               theft               protection               and               prevention.

    Not               all               forms               of               identity               theft               can               be               prevented,               but               identity               theft               protection               services               can               dramatically               reduce               your               risk.

                   Robert               Siciliano               Identity               Theft               Speaker               discussing               the               Social               Security               numbers               on               Fox               News.

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