Monday, June 9, 2014

Review of fox news anchors list::What is approximate yearly salary of morning anchors on ...

Review of fox news anchors list::What is approximate yearly salary of morning anchors on ...

Galling,               ain't               it?

Once               again               Fox               News               is               judged               the               most               trusted               news               source               in               the               United               States.

I               can               just               see               the               opposition...beating               their               little               fists               on               the               desk               as               they               watch               Lawrence               O'Donnell               scream               "Bias!

Fox               News               Lies!"               and               a               few               more               choice               words.

I                    lefty               journalists               finally               grasp               the               reality?

Seemingly               their               viewers               and               readers               do               not.

Suffolk               University,               a               Boston               higher               education               institution,               conducted               a               poll               and               their               findings               support               those               of               other               polling               firms               and               universities               that               regularly               measure               public               impressions;               that               when               it               comes               to               trustworthy               news,               Fox               News               is               the               winner               hands               down.


I               have               heard               more               times               than               I               can               count,               "Fox               is               the               propaganda               arm               of               the               RNC,"               and               other               such               clever               repetitions.

How               can               the               opposition               be               so               mistaken               in               their               denigrations               of               Fox               News?

I               thought,               as               the               opposition               repeats,               that               Fox               News               are               liars               pushing               an               agenda?
               For               a               great               example               of               the               left               media's               shock               at               the               Suffolk               University               findings               consult               the               US               News               story               which               lays               out               the               truth               quite               well               with               their               opening               sentence               "In               a               stunning               rejection               of               network               news               and               nightly               news               anchors,               cable               news,               driven               by               the               Fox               News               Channel               and               mouthy               Bill               O'Reilly,               is               now               the               top               most               trusted               source               "by               a               mile."               Gee,               can               ya               hear               the               screams               coming               from               the               minions               at               MSNBC?
               For               the               record               let's               briefly               examine               the               concept               "Fox               News               is               the               propaganda               arm               of               the               RNC               [or               Bush               White               House               when               W.

was               running               the               show]."               To               more               closely               peruse               this               reality               we               must               first               look               at               the               poll               results.

Click               here               to               see                    and               their               breakdown               of               the               numbers               the               poll               found.

In               the               poll               Fox               News               is               most               trusted               by               28%,               followed               by               CNN               at               18%,               NBC               10%,               MSNBC               7%,               with               ABC               and               CBS               news               coming               in               at               6%               each.
               Obviously               Fox               News               is               the               single               most               trusted               but               adding               in               all               the               other               news               outlets,               Fox               trails               behind.

When               we               add               in               "independents,"               "libertarians,"               and               all               the               other               small               groups               who               refuse               to               call               themselves               either               Republicans               or               Democrats,               the               numbers               don't               quite               match               up,               but               that               is               a               common               thing.

And               indeed               when               we               add               together               CNN,               MSNBC               and               the               others               they               dwarf               Fox               News               for               sure.

When               MSNBC,               CNN,               NBC,               CBS               and               ABC               are               combined               into               one               number               we               find               40%               watch               networks               other               than               Fox.

But               keep               in               mind               that               Republican               is               NOT               conservative,               just               as               Democrat               is               NOT               liberal.
               Just               before               the               midterms               late               last               year               Rasmussen               polled               and               found               "40%"               self-identify               as               conservative;               "19%"               self-identify               as               liberal,               so               when               we               break               down               ideological               leanings               which               are               more               a               true               indicator               of               how               one               votes               as               opposed               to               the               smaller               "party"               affiliations,               it's               apparent               conservatives               do               indeed               more               than               double               the               number               who               proudly               call               themselves               liberals.
               Of               course               still               at               this               late               date               and               time               we               have               many               who               refuse               to               accept               facts               that               do               not               suit               their               desires,               and               THAT               is               exactly               how               the               misinformed               and               biased               impressions               remain                    dunderheads               who               refuse               to               accept               reality               that               does               not               suit               their               hopeful               vision.

There               are               still               huge               numbers               of               individuals               who               absolutely               are               steadfast               in               not               accepting               facts               that               don't               fit               what               they               wish               were               the               facts.

What               a               shame               that               such               childishness               passes               for               rational,               mature               action               and               accountability.
               In               fact               if               I               were               a               lefty               I               would               not               really               take               the               Suffolk               University               poll               as               anything               to               be               concerned               with               becuase               as               I               said,               when               we               add               all               the               other               clearly               liberal               news               sources               of               the               "lame               stream               media"               together               we               see               40%               think               their               chosen               lefty               news               outlet               is               more               trusted,               to               the               28%               who               find               Fox               News               most               trusted.

And               if               a               lefty               takes               solace               in               that               position               as               well               they               should,               then               does               that               not               then               make               the               point               that               Fox               News               is               the               ONLY               outlet               of               the               major               news               organizations               that               IS               NOT               a               bastion               of               leftism?

Lefties               have               MSNBC,               NBC,               CBS               and               ABC,               not               to               mention               NPR,               HuffPo,               DailyKos               and               the               rest,               so               no               worries               lefties.

You               fine               cats               still               have               nearly               cornered               the               market               on               news               sources.
               Oh,               and               I               did               not               include               CNN               in               my               above               list               because               they               almost,               almost               mind               you,               pretend               to               be               middle               of               the               road...of               course               they               are               left               biased               as               well,               but               by               comparison               to               MSNBC               and               a               few               others               CNN               looks               like               a               straight               shooter,               which               of               course               they               are               not,               but               still,               when               we               use               "measuring               sticks"               and               compare,               CNN               almost               looks               kosher.
               Lastly               one               may               ask               "Fine,               but               what               does               any               of               this               mean?"               Answer...not               too               damned               much               except               that               the               uber               left               news               sources               have               been               outed...take               that               for               what               it's               worth.

Besides,               so               long               as               MSNBC's               Lawrence               O'Donnell               and               Chris               Matthews               are               unhappy               and               incredulous,               I'm               good.

And               this               proves               that               MSNBC               "Lean               Forward"               nonsense               has               caused               the               folks               over               there               to               lean               so               far               forward               and               to               the               left               that               they've               fallen               on               their               butts...that's               gonna               leave               a               mark,               no?

Image of fox news anchors list

fox news anchors list
fox news anchors list

fox news anchors list Image 1

fox news anchors list
fox news anchors list

fox news anchors list Image 2

fox news anchors list
fox news anchors list

fox news anchors list Image 3

fox news anchors list
fox news anchors list

fox news anchors list Image 4

fox news anchors list
fox news anchors list

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