Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fox news for android::What is the best source for fact based news.

Review of fox news for android::What is the best source for fact based news.

               Hewlett-Packard               CEO               Meg               Whitman               announced               on               Fox               Business               News,               that               she               has               directed               that               the               company               will               make               a               Smartphone,               a               first               for               the               company               since               the               failure               of               the               Palm,               which               the               company               purchased               in               2010.

Syndicated               columnist               Jeremy               Owens               in               commenting               on               the               announcement               says               move               was               expected               as               HP               is               still               currently               the               largest               maker               of               computers               in               the               world,               and               it               not               having               a               smartphone               has               created               a               vacuum               in               the               market               that               has               been               filled               first               by               Apple               and               then               by               Samsung               and               other               Asian               companies.
               Whitman               declined               to               offer               a               timetable               for               the               phone,               or               to               divulge               whether               the               company               has               already               begun               work               on               it,               or               even               which               operating               system               it               might               run.

The               Palm               of               course               ran               a               proprietary               OS               that               HP               eventually               gave               away               as               an               open               source               program               that               nobody               really               wanted.

She               added               that               it               was               time               for               the               company               to               build               and               sell               a               smartphone               noting               that               many               people               in               the               world               now               use               their               phone               instead               of               a               regular               computer,               which               currently               leaves               them               out               as               a               customer.

She               noted               also               that               building               a               smartphone               should               help               the               bottom               line               which               she               acknowledged               was               less               than               expected               in               the               past               quarter               as               sales               of               both               PCs               and               printers               has               been               falling.
               Owens               noted               that               it's               possible               that               HP               would               run               webOS,               which               it               still               technically               owns,               though               he               also               notes               that               HP               has               a               historically               strong               relationship               with               Microsoft               which               will               almost               certainly               push               HP               to               run               its               portable               version               of               windows               on               its               new               phone.

HP               hasn't               been               doing               very               well,               he               adds,               for               several               years,               despite               still               being               the               world's               largest               maker               of               computers.

Sales               of               PCs               have               been               declining               for               nearly               five               years               in               a               row               and               HP               has               lost               ground               to               server               systems               to               IBM               and               Dell.

One               bright               spot               has               been               an               uptick               in               sales               of               ultrabooks,               which               are               essentially               a               combination               laptop-tablet               computer               that               run               traditional               desktop               operating               systems.

HP               hasn't               yet,               he               says,               decided               whether               to               dedicate               itself               to               making               tablet               computers               but               the               announcement               that               the               company               will               begin               making               and               selling               a               line               of               smartphones               pretty               much               guarantees               it,               as               both               would               run               the               same               OS               and               apps,               ala               Apple               and               Android               handhelds.
               What's               less               clear               of               course               is               how               successful               a               phone               from               HP               would               be,               late               as               the               company               is               in               joining               the               smartphone               party.

Both               the               iPhone               and               those               running               Android               are               very               well               established               and               thus,               HP               will               have               to               offer               a               very               compelling               reason               for               users               to               switch,               something               HP               hasn't               demonstrated               in               any               product               for               a               very               long               time.

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fox news for android
fox news for android

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fox news for android
fox news for android

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fox news for android
fox news for android

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fox news for android
fox news for android

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fox news for android
fox news for android

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    fox news for android

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    Review of fox news talk::What Is Sean Hannity's Salary?

    Review of fox news talk::What Is Sean Hannity's Salary?

    President               Obama's               war               against               Fox               News               seems               to               have               run               into               withering               fire               from               an               unexpected               direction.

    The               White               House               tried               to               exclude               Fox               News               from               an               interview               with               Pay               Czar               Kenneth               Feinberg.

    The               other               news               networks               were               not               amused.

    The               Washington               Bureau               Chiefs               of               the               five               broadcast               networks               consulted               briefly               and               then               handed               the               Obama               administration               an               ultimatum.

    Pay               Czar               Kenneth               Feinberg               would               not               be               interviewed               by               anyway               unless               Fox               News               would               also               be               included.

    The               Obama               administration               quickly               backed               down               and               beat               a               hasty               retreat.
                   The               Obama               administration               strategy               had               been               to               try               to               isolate               Fox               News               from               the               other               broadcast               networks               and               delegitimize               it               as               a               real               news               organization.

    Obama               surrogates,               including               well               known               admirer               of               Chairman               Mao               Anita               Dunn,               suggested               that               Fox               was               nothing               more               than               an               arm               of               the               Republican               Party.

    President               Obama               himself               compared               Fox               News               to               radio               talk               shows               such               as               Rush               Limbaugh.

    Obama               also               whined               about               the               treatment               Fox               News               has               been               given               him               to               a               group               of               liberal               reporters,               mainly               from               MSNBC,               in               a               closed               door,               Oval               Office               meeting.
                   The               ire               President               Obama               feels               toward               Fox               News               is               understandable.

    Fox               News               has               led               the               way               in               breaking               stories               that               have               been               embarrassing               to               the               Obama               administration,               including               Van               Jones,               ACORN,               and               the               hidden               time               bombs               tucked               within               health               care               reform.

    Even               Anita               Dunn,               Obama's               point               person               on               the               assault               on               Fox               News,               suffered               embarrassment               when               her               admiration               for               a               mass               murderer,               Chairman               Mao,               was               unveiled.
                   The               Obama               administration               thought               that               the               other               networks               would               acquiesce               to               the               savaging               of               Fox               News               out               of               envy,               as               Fox               News               has               been               beating               them               in               the               ratings.

    But               President               Obama               reckoned               without               a               couple               of               developments.

    First,               Fox               News'               ratings               soared               after               being               singled               out               by               President               Obama               as               enemies               of               the               people.

    Second,               the               other               networks               seem               to               have               concluded               that               being               patted               on               the               head               by               President               Obama               as               officially               approved               news               networks               would               be               very               bad               for               their               bottom               line.
                   Hence,               the               reaction               of               the               news               networks               to               the               attempt               by               President               Obama               to               snub               Fox               News,               acting               as               a               NATO               alliance               that               an               attack               on               one               is               an               attack               on               all.

    Obama's               supporters               always               said               that               he               would               bring               enemies               together.

    Who               would               have               thought               that               he               would               have               brough               CBS,               NBC,               ABC,               CNN,               MSNBC,               and               Fox               News               together?
                   President               Obama's               war               against               Fox               News               is               over               and               President               Obama               has               lost.

    He               had               ridden               down               the               Valley               of               Death,               up               the               Little               Big               Horn,               and               against               Cemetery               Ridge,               and               has               been               defeated               in               detail.

    It               is               time               to               raise               the               white               flag               of               surrender               and               turn               ones               attention               to               the               real               enemies               of               the               Republic,               say,               the               terrorists.
                   Source:               White               House               Loses               Bid               to               Exclude               Fox               News               from               Pay               Czar               Interview,               Fox               News,               October               23rd,               2009

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    fox news talk
    fox news talk

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    fox news talk

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    fox news talk
    fox news talk

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    fox news talk
    fox news talk

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    fox news talk

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