Monday, June 9, 2014

Review of fox soccer news::What Channel Is Fox on Directv

Review of fox soccer news::What Channel Is Fox on Directv

Several               media               outlets               are               reporting               that               Bobby               Knight,               former               head               coach               of               men's               basketball               at               Indiana               University               in               Bloomington,               Indiana,               will               not               be               in               attendance               at               the               IU               Hall               of               Fame               Induction               Ceremony.

WTHR               Channel               13               Indianapolis               reported               that               the               event,               scheduled               for               November               6th               in               Assembly               Hall,               is               expecting               a               capacity               crowd               to               honor               seven               IU               sports               greats,               including               Knight.

In               addition               to               the               ceremony               on               the               6th,               each               inductee               is               also               scheduled               to               be               honored               at               halftime               of               the               football               contest               between               IU               and               Wisconsin               on               November               7th               in               Memorial               Stadium.

FOX               59               News               Indianapolis               reported               on               October               28,               2009               that               Dick               Vitale,               ESPN               analyst               and               friend               of               Knight's,               claimed               on               twitter               that               Knight               would               not               attend               his               induction               into               IU's               first               ever               Hall               of               Fame               Ceremony.
               In               yet               another               twist               in               the               Bobby               Knight               vs.

Indiana               University               story,               ESPN               reported               on               October               27,               2009,               that               Knight               was               returning               a               $75,000               check               from               Indiana               alumni,               intended               by               the               University               to               settle               a               lawsuit               filed               by               Knight               against               IU               claiming               that               the               school               did               not               properly               defend               Knight               against               a               suit               filed               by               a               former               assistant               coach,               one               Ron               Felling.

Knight               is               said               to               have               settled               the               Felling               suit               for               $25,000.

Knight,               in               the               ESPN               article,               is               quoted               as               stating               "In               all               the               years               I               coached               at               Indiana               and               elsewhere,               I               never               accepted               a               thing               from               alumni               and               I               don't               intend               to               start               now.

This               issue               is               with               the               university,               not               with               the               alumni.

It               would               be               amazing               what               this               university's               legal               office               has               spent               over               the               past               nine               years               avoiding               this               obligation               as               well               as               paying               off               all               the               broken               athletic               contracts               they               have               made,"               Knight               said.
               On               the               WTHR13               NightBeat               Broadcast               at               11:00               PM,               October               29th,               reporters               interviewed               Fred               Glass,               Athletic               Director               at               Indiana               University.

Glass               said               that               Knight               had               sent               a               letter               to               him               explaining               his               (Knight's)               decision               to               not               attend               the               Hall               of               Fame               induction               ceremony.

"Knight               said               in               the               letter               that               he               (Knight)               did               not               want               to               create               a               media               circus,"               Glass               said.

"I               completely               understand               his               reasoning."
               Kevin               Mendall,               a               student               at               Indiana               University,               was               also               interviewed.

Mendall,               when               asked               about               his               opinion               of               Knight's               refusal               to               attend               the               Hall               of               Fame               Induction               ceremony               said               "He               is               still               bitter               about               getting               fired."
               In               addition               to               Knight,               six               other               former               athletes               or               coaches               will               be               honored               by               induction               into               the               IU               Hall               of               Fame.

They               include               former               men's               soccer               coach               Jerry               Yeagley               (1973-2004),               Steve               Downing               (men's               basketball,               1971-73),               Katrin               Koch               (women's               track               and               field,               1989-92),               Joe               Norman               (football,               1975-78),               the               family               of               late               Mike               Rabold               (football,               1956-58),               and               Alan               Somers               (swimming,               1961-63).
               Jennie               Runevitch     
               FOX               59     
               Associated               Press     

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