Review of fox news shows::What is approximate yearly salary of morning anchors on ...
Review of fox news shows::What is approximate yearly salary of morning anchors on ...
Obama, Fox News, and the TV news outlets that report on Barack Obama and on politics are in the news. Is it more of the usual fare or is the media honeymoon between TV news and Barack Obama over? Obama Fox News Coverage Fox News -- working hard to portray an image of being fair and balanced, yet ceaselessly accused of being a rightwing news outlet -- reported on a controversial poll that showed the public's perception of Barack Obama in less than positive terms. Citing the escalating political situations in Iran as well as North Korea, Obama Fox News coverage shows that growing numbers of democrats and independents are joining the ranks of disenchanted republicans who had hope for a change, but now feel that they are getting more of the same. When it comes to Obama, Fox News pulls no punches; it follows up poll coverage with news items that are personally embarrassing to the president - such as Reverend Wright's latest anti-Semitic outburst - and also embarrassing to the administration, like the growing public discord over the GM bailout and subsequent takeover. Obama Strikes Back It is uncertain whether the Obama Fox News coverage is getting to him or he simply vented a long held belief, yet merely a day later the Huffington Post reported on a CNBC interview in the course of which Obama described Fox News - in some many words -- as being entirely committed to harassing his administration. As he bemoans that Fox News fails to report positively about him, he fails to send kudos to the news networks that are firmly in the pocket of the administration, both online and on TV. Left Behind: Voters in the Dust of the Obama Fox News Debacle There is little doubt that Fox News leans to the right, while the Huffington Post is the left. That being said, there is also little doubt that overall there is media bias at any news outlet. While the Obama Fox News debacle shows the petty disagreements that mire supporters and detractors, it gives rise to renewed calls for the fairness doctrine. Lost in the shuffle are the voters and consumers of news and information. Although it is laughable to assume that a right leaning news outlet reports any more untruths than a left learning one, those on the forefront of seeking to silence Fox News make this allegation. In fact, it is downright embarrassing that the only media criticism Barack Obama is currently receiving comes from Fox News. This poses the question: if oppositional media coverage - no matter how veiled or overtly critical -- is silenced, what country will the US resemble? Is the media honeymoon between TV news and Barack Obama over? Sources; |
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