Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of contact fox news::how do you email the staff at fox news

Review of contact fox news::how do you email the staff at fox news

The               case               of               missing               Debora               "Debbie"               Flores               Narvaez               already               sounds               like               a               "Dateline"               or               "48               Hours               Mystery"               news               magazine               story               --               a               former               Washington               Redskins               cheerleader               and               current               Las               Vegas               dancer               was               last               seen               leaving               her               home               on               Dec.

12               at               around               7               p.m.

Her               ex-boyfriend,               Jason               "Blu"               Griffith,               whom               she               was               going               to               see               that               evening,               admits               to               seeing               her               around               7:30               p.m.

And               then               Debbie               Flores               Narvaez               disappeared.

Flores               Narvaez               was               reported               missing               on               Dec.


Las               Vegas               Police               were               notified               by               a               roommate               after               Flores               missed               a               rehearsal.

When               she               was               last               seen,               she               was               reportedly               on               her               way               to               visit               her               ex-boyfriend,               Griffith.
               Fox               News               reports               that               Griffith               was               arrested               in               October               for               assaulting               Flores.

He               is               also               expected               to               be               in               court               Tuesday               for               an               arraignment               on               domestic               violence               charges.
               According               to               her               sister,               Celeste               Flores,               Jason               Griffith               has               proved               uncooperative               toward               the               family.

"I               am               the               only               one               out               here               on               behalf               of               my               family               and               he               doesn't               want               to               sit               down               and               talk               to               me,"               she               said.

"There               are               many               inconsistencies."
               Flores               said               that               Griffith               admitted               to               talking               to               Flores               Narvaez               at               his               door               for               a               short               period               of               time               on               Dec.


"He               told               me               that               she               said               she's               been               depressed               for               the               past               couple               of               days               because               it               was               the               holidays               and               she               wasn't               around               her               family."
               He               also               told               her               that               she               had               been               sleeping               her               car,               which               was               unusual               for               her               sister.

Celeste               Flores               also               said               that,               after               speaking               with               her               sister's               friends,               that               "Blu               made               her               upset               a               lot."
               Described               by               friend               Leo               Castro               as               "dedicated               to               dancing,"               the               31-year-old               Flores               was               a               cast               member               of               the               Luxor               "Fantasy"               show.

A               team               representative               for               the               Washington               Redskins               said               she               worked               for               as               an               "ambassador"               (read:               cheerleader)               for               the               team               in               2007               and               2008.

Afterward,               she               moved               to               Las               Vegas               to               pursue               a               career               in               dance.

At               one               point,               she               even               auditioned               for               the               hit               Fox               series               "So               You               Think               You               Can               Dance."
               But               dance               wasn't               the               only               thing               on               Flores'               resume.

According               to               the               Atlanta               Journal-Constitution,               she               held               advanced               degrees               in               both               Business               and               Law.

She               had               committed               herself               to               her               dream               career               of               dancing               after               losing               her               job               managing               financial               portfolios               in               Baltimore.

It               was               then               that               she               tried               out               for               a               position               on               the               Redskins               cheerleader               squad.
               Las               Vegas               Police               found               Flores               Narvaez               abandoned               car               a               few               days               after               she               was               last               seen.

They               had               received               an               abandoned               car               report               but               had               not               responded               because               there               was               no               report               of               a               stolen               car               with               Maryland               license               plates.

The               same               person               called               back               a               few               days               later,               telling               police               that               the               abandoned               vehicle               was               still               at               the               same               location.

Police               responded               and               impounded               the               vehicle.

They               found               Debbie               Flores               Narvaez's               purse               inside.
               Flores'               mother,               Elise               Narvaez,               told               the               Journal-Constitution               that               she               received               a               cryptic               text               message               from               her               daughter               11               days               before               she               went               missing.
               "In               case               there               is               ever               an               emergency               with               me,"               the               message               read,               "contact               Blu               Griffith               in               Vegas.

My               ex-boyfriend.

Not               my               best               friend."
               Narvaez,               who               lives               in               Roswell,               Ga.,               said               she               asked               her               daughter               for               clarification               but               all               she               said               was:               "'Never               mind,               mommy.

Just               keep               it               for               your               records.'"
               Celeste               Flores,               who               lives               in               Smyrna,               Ga.,               said               the               message               was               ambiguous.

She               told               the               Journal-Constitution               that               it               could               have               meant               that               Jason               Griffith               "could               reach               Debbie               Flores-Narvaez               if               there               were               an               emergency               or               he               should               be               a               suspect               if               something               happened               to               her."               However,               she               refused               to               speculate.
               Debora               "Debbie"               Flores               Narvaez               is               described               as               Hispanic               (she               was               born               in               Puerto               Rico),               about               5-foot-5               and               weighs               120               pounds.

She               has               brown               hair               and               brown               eyes.
               Las               Vegas               Police               investigators               are               urging               anyone               with               information               on               the               whereabouts               of               Flores               to               contact               the               Las               Vegas               Police               Department               at               (702)               828-2907.
               Cristina               Corbin,               "Las               Vegas               Police               Search               for               Missing               Dancer,"               FoxNews.com               
               Rhonda               Cook,               "Georgia               mother,               sister               beg               for               help               finding               Las               Vegas               dancer,"               AJC.com

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