Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review of fox news channel 5::What Is the Channel Five Website

Review of fox news channel 5::What Is the Channel Five Website

Unlike               other               news               channels               Fox               News               has               proved               it's               not               afraid               to               tackle               the               news               and               current               events               in               novel,               if               not               always               mainstream               ways.

The               best               example               of               this               is               the               irreverent               (               liberals               would               probably               say               irrelevant)               late               night               talk               show,               "Red               Eye."               Airing               at               3               A.M.

eastern               time,               the               show               is               a               comedic               and               offbeat               talk               show               taking               jabs               at               almost               anything               newsworthy               or               liberal.

The               humor               and               conversation               is               not               for               the               kiddies,               be               warned.

The               show               is               hosted               by               former               magazine               editor               Greg               Gutfeld               and               co-hosted               by               Bill               Schultz               and               "T.V's"               Andy               Levy.

There               are               generally               three               guest               commentators,               usually               comedians,               authors,               or               a               Fox               News               celebrity.

There's               always               at               least               one               very               attractive               lady               who               will               have               the               honor               of               sitting               in               the               "Legs               Chair."               This               is               a               chair               where               the               occupant's               legs               can               clearly               be               admired               by               the               viewers               when               the               camera               takes               a               full               table               shot.

There               are               may               celebrity               guests               who               crop               up               with               regularity.

Such               include               the               likes               of               Ann               Coulter,               S.C.

Cupp               and               investment               guru               and               Alfred               E.

Newman               look               alike               Jonathan               Hoenig.

(Bill               O'Reilly               seems               to               have               studiously               avoided               the               show,               though               Gutfeld               has               guested               on               O'Reilly.)
               Several               guests               have               their               own               regular               segments               when               they               are               on.

"Master               Baden"               with               former               pathologist               Michael               Baden               is               perhaps               the               most               popular.

If               death's               the               topic               Baden's               your               guy.

There's               also               "Father               Knows               Best"               where               a               Catholic               priest               fields               questions               from               the               Red               Eye               gang.
               The               show               has               a               number               of               regular               features.

The               Greg-a-logue               by               Greg               Gutfeld               is               a               nightly               ludicrous               but               pointed               rant               on               a               political               or               social               issue.

The               Halftime               Report               where               Andy               Levy               holds               sway,               commenting               on               the               commentary               of               his               fellow               commentators,               and               the               almost               nightly               "Male               Time,"               the               reading               of               emails               from               viewers.

The               emails               themselves               are               often               a               hoot               and               the               responses               are               treated               with               lunacy               delivered               with               a               deadpan               seriousness.
               Sorely               missed               is               former               regular               guest               Michelle               Collins.

"MiMi               CoCo"               is               clearly               the               best               of               the               guests               that               have               graced               this               lowbrow               sleaze               fest               and               her               wicked               commentaries               and               earthy               wit               are               missed.
               If               conservative               views               communicated               with               trash               humor               and               hole               in               the               back               jokes               (whatever               happened               to               these,               Greg?)               sound               like               your               cup               of               tea,               give               Red               Eye               a               view.

Can't               stay               up               until               3A.M.

That's               what               your               Tivo               is               for.

Red               Eye               could               grow               on               you.

Sort               of               like               a               fungus.

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fox news channel 5

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fox news channel 5

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fox news channel 5

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fox news channel 5

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